The Indian capital is one of the most populated cities in the world. Besides being a historical city and one of the largest commercial centres in the world, Delhi is home to many daily wage workers and labourers. These people depend upon daily earnings for their survival. Despite toiling throughout the day, their meagre income sometimes compel them to skip a meal or compromise so that their children could have some amount of food.
Unlike all the year round, the summer months represent a period of suffering for them. It becomes unimaginably hard to survive the heat during the afternoons. Thus, to survive in these times, a regular Saturday was turned into a day of blessing for these people by Manas Gupta, a 12th grade student who organised free food camps for daily wage earners like- vendors, cart pullers, auto drivers, rag- pickers etc. With the help of his communal free kitchen, HARIOM SEVA, which is in service for years now, he distributed and Kadhi Pakora [ the fritters are made with savory, spiced batter made with onions, gram flour and seasonings.] and rice.
Thus, with his will and carrying the consideration of doing something pleasant for such people, he turned an ordinary Saturday into a day of blessing for all such people and for himself as well as when he recieved blessings from them. People like Manas Gupta keep the humanity alive and it becomes the need of their soul to constantly see happy faces.
HARIOM SEVA, is a project run by Manas with the support of his family which allows him to serve the deprived people in the best way he could and even normal days are changed into days of harmony and at least for a day or two, they do sleep empty stomach.